Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Been a While

It's been some time since my last post.  We haven't had to much excitement other then Brooke turning 1 in April!!  She's walking, talking, singing, and just so smart and beautiful.  Oh and did I mention she loves Dr Phil, she gets so excited when she hears his voice.  I'll share a few pictures at the end of this post. 

Seeing her grow up so fast makes me sad, but I am so thankful that she's happy and healthy.  I know Chloe watches over her, the other day Brooke saw some pictures of us with Chloe and started saying "baby!", we told her yes that's sister, a few days later she noticed them again and it sounded just like she said "sister!"  I wonder sometimes if she can see her, or her papa, or her great grandparents, like some people say that kids can see angels.  There are some days that she'll just start talking and smiling, it makes me wonder if the angels are talking or singing to her.

I guess some other excitement that we've had has been that Chris and I both had chicken pox for the second time.  We both had mild cases when we were little, and just happened to get them again in our 20's, how does that happen?   Well I guess I did give them to Chris so we know how he got them, hahaha.  As Chris said "chicken pox are for the birds, no pun intended".  Now we're just praying that Brooke won't get infected, it's been 2 wks since I've had them and Chris is going through the scabing up stage. 

Chris and I also celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary, and 10 years together in June.  We've had some hard times obviously, that many couples may never go through, and we've always come out stronger.  There's no one else in this world that I'd rather spend this crazy beautiful life with!  

I'll go ahead and leave this post for now, and share a few pictures, and I'll be sure not to wait so long between posting next time.  

Eating her birthday cake
Clearly we don't take ourselves to serious
Watching her Dr Phil during family pictures
Us through the years 

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