Sorry I haven't posted sooner, I've been trying to get some work for school done before we go to Dallas. Jamie actually called on Monday the 5th and let us know that Chloe's MRI is set up for Nov 29th at the UT Southwestern Medical Center hospital. There we'll have the MRI done and Dr. Diane Twickler, who is a renown fetal MRI Dr will tend to us, and read us the results shortly after its done. This will be able to give us a clear diagnosis of what our little Chloe has, and possible tell us more for the future, and future pregnancies as well. We'll see Dr. Martinez once we're back into town, and then we will see Dr. Blanco, Jamie, and their staff on Dec 6th. Until then keep praying for our Chloe, and our strength to get through whatever life has in store for us, and for understanding.
On a side note I need to get some frustration towards some people who seem to "not understand" whats going on. First the chromosome test and infection test both came back fine, which is great because we know whatever may of happened in Chloe's development was not genetic, or an infection. That being said just because those test came back fine did not mean that our Chloe was alright,
we still knew that the sonograms were showing a problem, which I had told everyone when we got the news on the tests being fine. Also yes I understand that the Dr's got her gender wrong, but that did not change that fact that we still knew the sonograms were showing a problem with her brain. Secondly if you don't understand what something means in a text Chris or I send to you, do me a favor and don't question what we've told you, if we knew what caused Chloe's problem we would tell you! But unfortunately we are all in the dark about what caused what we believe her brain not to develop properly, as the Dr's said, and as I had stated to many people, and on this blog, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSES THIS. Obviously our Chloe was to beautiful to come into this world, and if only our love and prayers could make her healthy, she would. It may sound a little harsh how I am putting some of this, but some need to understand that there was a problem from when Chloe started to develop that was out of our control, and Chris and I understand that there is a very high chance that she won't be able to physically be here with us. We still pray for her everyday, and we love her unconditionally, but we know that we have to prepare ourselves for the day that she becomes our guardian angel. These past few weeks have been mentally, and physically draining for us, and I could never imagine us ever going through this, but sadly we are. I know some of you have an attachment if you will to Chloe already, but before you go talking and asking us questions, imagine how it would feel if you were in this situation with your child, I'm sure you would be just as frustrated when someone does that. Now not saying that all of the questions that have been asked to us have frustrated us, because they haven't, just the occasional one that has been explained, and its almost like those people are just hearing what they want to hear. This will always be with us no matter the outcome, and I know we will be awesome parents, whether it's in 5 months, or some time from now. I know in my heart that all this happened for a reason, what that is we don't know yet, but I know that we will always going to love Chloe with all of our hearts no matter what, and this situation is going to make Chris and I stronger people.
We appreciate everyone's love and nice words, and prayers that we have received, y'all will never know how much they all truly mean to us. When I get those texts from dear friends that say "I just wanted to see how you are doing", or the ones that say "if Chris and you need anything let us know", and the ones that simply say "I'm sorry, and we're praying for you" help tremendously and you will never know how grateful I am to all of our amazing friends for those. I may of sounded rude or harsh in this blog post, but I needed to say how I've been feeling, some people know how it feels to be in a situation like this, and when they message me, or text me and say that they can relate to all of the emotions that we've had, it is comforting knowing that what we are feeling isn't bad. So thank you to everyone who has been here for us through this difficult time, we appreciate and are thankful for you all. And don't let this stop you from texting me or asking questions about things, just some need to think before they text certain things.