-"Still" by Gerrit Hofsink
I have had this post saved as a draft since May 16th, but I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day 2013 this year. Being my first Mother's Day, it was very nice, and Christopher and all of our family def helped.
Something that I have noticed here recently is how many other families have lost children, wether its from miscarriage, pregnancy loss, neonatal death, or any other situation. I have friends who have lost children, (I had a friend pass away while in 8th grade, and I've attended a funeral for a friends child), but I guess until you experience something of that magnitude you don't really realize how many others that are out there who have been through a similar situation. I believe I had wrote this in a past entry about how I received many messages and things like that before and after Chloe passed from others who lost a child, and it def comforted us. At the time with everything happening its hard to not think that you are alone in the situation, and to have others reach out it def helps. I guess when you hear someone is pregnant you don't think that something could go wrong, or that something is wrong. You just kind of automatically think that everything is fine, and that baby will be coming around there due date. Something Chris and I heard a lot and still a little now is that people don't know what to say, which I can understand. Yes we are sad about what happened with Chloe, but its okay to ask how we're doing, to talk about her, say sorry for what happened, or anything like that, and I think that's with anyone who's been through loosing someone. Also for me it helps to hear others situations, because it shows that you're not alone, now I can't say that others would want that.
Chris and I have been doing better, we have each other, amazing family and friends, and we know that Chloe is always with us, helping us get though it all. I get asked from time to time if we are going to try again, and for anyone who doesn't know that answer, yes we are. Chris and I have talked about when we would want to, and we both agree that we just want it to happen, and not really plan anything, but I know I'm going to probably try to plan it :). I think maybe in the next few months it may happen, for the simple fact that I had a dream I was pregnant again the other day, and I remember having dreams like that a few months before we found out we were pregnant with Chloe. But if it doesn't happen right away, that's okay, because I know that's what is suppose to be, and that it will happen when the time is right. So for all those out there, just please continue to pray for us, we are def appreciative!