Friday, January 8, 2016

You would have been 3...

Dear Chloe,
Today you're 3 years old, where has all of the time gone.  I've been thinking for a while what I wanted to write you on your birthday.  I want it to be perfect.
Let me start by saying Happy Birthday Chloe, our beautiful angel!!  We love and miss you!  We think about you often, and when I look at your little sister I wonder how much alike or different you two would be.  I'm thankful you helped to send us Brooke by the way.  I wonder constantly of how much alike you two would look.  I'm sure you'd both get mistaken for each other just like your aunts and I do all the time.
I pray your party is beautiful as the angels help to sing you happy birthday.  I bet it's an amazing sight to see.  Be sure to give your PawPaw and Great Granny some extra hugs for us too.  We'll be sending some balloons to you this afternoon that we hope you'll like.  And of course I'll let sister help eat your cupcake. :)
They say time heals all wounds, but I think it just softens the pain.  It still hurts and some days are better then most, but it helps to know we have some amazing guardian angels watching over us.  I know you have made us better, stronger, more thoughtful and compassionate; and for that I am forever grateful. I wish everyone could see into the layers of themselves to see more of who they are, but without having to go through the tragedy part.
Happy birthday our sweet baby Chloe, we love and miss you!!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Sister
photo credit Pinterest 
photo credit Pinterest