Friday, November 29, 2013

17 Wks & Wives Tales for Gender Predictions

We are now at 17 wks and 3 days pregnant with Puff, and its been a really good pregnancy.  Yes I had horrible morning sickness for about 14 wks, which I never had with Chloe, but its been pretty good considering how nervous I was when we found out we were expecting once again.  We've been seeing Martinez about every 2 wks or so now, we started out seeing him about every week, then we switched to go every 2 now, and that's been pretty good, although we did go a week that we were scheduled cause I wanted to make sure everything was alright still.  Paranoia hasn't really set in till here recently, and I think that's due to the fact that 16 wks is when we found out there was something wrong with Chloe's brain development.  But Puff's movements have been really good in the sonograms, the fluid has been good too, and we can def tell Puff's getting bigger. 

I'm finally starting to get a pregnant belly now, and sadly my belly button feels and looks like it may be popping out soon o_O.  Everything has def been different this time around, which I feel means a good thing.  Chris and I have been looking up gender predictions too, and comparing them to Chloe's pregnancy, I'll list them below with the gender it predicts.  Hopefully we'll know soon if Chloe is going to have a little brother or sister!

Tale #1- Linea Nigra- the line on the belly, said if you get a lĂ­nea nigra and it runs from your pubic area to your belly button only, it’s a girl, and if it goes all the way up from your pubic area to the bottom-most part of you rib cage, then it’s a boy.  Well with Chloe I never had it, and with Puff I don't have it, so no point to either gender here.

Tale #2- Carrying high or low? So as the tale goes, if you are carrying low, it’s a boy, or if you’re carrying high it’s a girl.  With Chloe I def carried high from the beginning, and so far with Puff its been low.  Point for BOY

Tale #3- Baby's Heart Rate?- Say's if the baby's heart rate is 140 bpm or higher its a girl, lower than 140 bpm its a boy.  I honestly can't remember what Chloe's heart rate was, and with Puff we haven't gotten the bpm from the Dr's but we've listen at home and got around 142-143.  So I'm kind of iffy here since its right off 140, but point for GIRL.

Tale #4- Drano Test- This on involves mixing your urine with tablespoon of Drano, if its a girl its suppose to turn green, and a boy its suppose to turn blue.  I've also read that if its a girl there's no change in color, and if its a boy its suppose to get darker.  Weird I know, but I have never heard of this until this pregnancy, so I never did it with Chloe, sadly we did try it last night, I think that it was darker, and Chris said he didn't see a change, so I guess point for both BOY and GIRL since we didn't agree.

Tale #5- Skin Dry or Soft? If your skin is dry, you’re said to be having a boy – and if it’s soft, then a girl is on the way.  I can't really remember how my skin was with Chloe, with Puff I def can tell it has gotten drier, so point for BOY.

Tale #6- Hair- Has your hair become thinner and dull? Or full-bodied and glossy? Thin and dull says girl, gorgeous and glossy says a boy.  I can't remember if my hair was thinner with Chloe, I just remember it would not do anything I wanted it to, with Puff, I've had much more hair fall, but my hair has def been more glossy, and does exactly what I want it to do, so point for BOY I guess.

Tale #7- Weight Gain- If you are carrying extra weight at the front, then you’re having a boy… but if you are carrying extra weight on your bum and hips, then you have been carrying a girl. What about dad-to-be? If he’s gaining weight with you, apparently you’re having a girl. If he’s put on no weight, a boy for you!  With Chloe most everyone can agree that my thighs got HUGE, very quickly I may add and people knew I was pregnant way before we told anyone, with Puff, I have thankfully not had the big thighs, or quick weight gain, I think that's why we were able to keep it a secret for much longer than Chloe's pregnancy.  Chris' weight I honestly don't think ever really changed with either pregnancy.  So point for BOY from my end at least.

Tale #8-  Numbers- Okay there's 2 here that I've read about.  First one, if you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is odd – then it’s a girl on the way. If the resulting number is even, then it’s a boy for you.  Chloe's number is 30, Puff's number is 32.  So point for BOY on this one.
Second tale- they say if you get ur birth month, age, year of conception add it then add the numbers in the total as Odd means boy, Even girl.  Chloe's number is 39, Puff's number is 41.  Another BOY point here.
Tale #9- Sweet, Salty or Sour?- If your craving sweets, fruit, or juice old wives say that you could be having a girl. But if you’re craving sour or salty foods, then you could be having a boy. It’s also said that if you are having a boy, you will crave protein like meat and dairy.  With Chloe I def craved sweet tea, and fruits that I can remember, with Puff from the beginning I wanted bacon, cheese, veggies, and I still can not have anything sweet without feeling sick.  Once again point for BOY.

Tale #10- How Do You Look?- As it goes, if you look great during pregnancy, then you are carrying a boy. If you don’t look too flash, you’re having a girl, because she’s stolen all your good looks!  Honestly I have no idea how I look for either pregnancy, but I will say I don't think I look that great this time around, so point for GIRL from my point of view.

Tale #11-  Do You Have Cold Feet?-  If your feet get colder than they used to pre-pregnancy, it’s a sign you have a boy on the way. If your feet are the same, then it’s a girl!  I don't remember what my feet were like with Chloe's pregnancy, and Chris say's my feet are always cold now, so point for BOY.

Tale #12- North or South?- When you sleep, is your pillow north or south? If it’s north, then expect a boy, or south means a girl is on the way.  I don't really understand this one, but never the less our bed is on the south part of the bedroom, so point for GIRL.

Tale #13- Dreaded Acne-  If you get acne during pregnancy, apparently you’re having a girl, and if you don’t, then you’re carrying a boy.  I know I had some break outs with Chloe towards the end, and I def have had some with Puff, so point for GIRL.

Tale #14- Sleep on Your Right or Left Side?  When you sleep, do you sleep on your left? Because if you do, then it’s a boy for you! On your right, a girl is in sight.  I remember sleeping on my right side a lot with Chloe, with Puff its hard to say cause I fall asleep easier on my left, but wake up sometimes on my right, so I guess no point here really.

Tale #15- Hairy Legs?- Has the hair on your legs grown faster than normal? Or has it grown just like normal? Because if it’s growing faster than it did pre-pregnancy, then you’re said to be having a boy.  This is horrible that I'm putting this one, but oh well, I remember with Chloe it wasn't until the end that I noticed my legs kind of had gotten hairier lol, and this time I noticed right away that my darn hair was growing way, way fast.  So point for BOY.

Tale #16- Ring Test-  You take your wedding ring, and tie it to a string and hover it over your belly, if it swings back and forth its a girl, if it goes in a circle its a boy.  We did this one last night too, and it was kind of hard to tell what it was doing, at first it went in a circle, and then we tried again and it ended up swinging back and forth, so point for both GIRL and BOY?

Tale #17- Chinese Calendar- I don't know really how it works, but you find a gender calendar and find your age at conception, and month of conception and it will say boy or girl.  I remember it said girl for Chloe, and with Puff it says girl.  So point for GIRL.

Tale #18- Mayan Prediction-  This one you take the age you conceived and the year you conceived, if both are even numbers its a girl, if they are opposites (one odd, one even) then its a boy.  Well for Chloe the numbers are 23 & 2012, Puff 24 & 2013.  So another BOY point.

Well I got 12 points for BOY and 7 points for GIRL.
I don't know if I really believe all of these, cause as you can see some were true for Chloe and some weren't.  But why not have a little fun until we actually find out right?  I mean we've got a 50/50 chance of being right!  If anyone has any other tales or anything let me know, or let me know what these predicted for you if you've done them!! Chris and I def had fun reading through some of the weird/crazy things that people say predict the gender of your baby!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Keeping this blog/ Update

I had a friend ask if we were going to keep up with this blog, or if we were going to create a new blog for this pregnancy, and honestly I want to keep this blog and just continue to write about our adventures with our rainbow baby, Chloe, and future babies.

I am currently 13 wks, and all scans are looking great, we've got to see a lot of Coco Puffs movement, which we didn't get to see Chloe move much.  Her movements were more reflexive movements which is common with HPE, were as Puffs seem to be more normal, I guess would be the right way to describe it?  I'm finally starting to get more of a pregnant belly now, instead of a "is she pregnant or just gaining weight" belly lol. We're also going to see Martinez every week for now to keep an eye on the fluid since we're always paranoid about it since Chloe's was so low early on, but as he said the fluid looks great, and there's a lot of it.  We also discussed going to see the high risk drs for a more extensive exam to check Puff's development, which I don't know when that'll be, I'm guessing around 16 wks, since that's when we found out there was a development problem with Chloe.  Another confidence booster with this pregnancy, besides having good feelings has been that Puff has always measured right on with the weeks that I am, were as Chloe always measured around a week behind.  I'll post sonograms below of Chloe and of Puff so everyone can see the differences that Chris and I are seeing  already as well.  I guess I will leave off the blog here, and write more posts later, keep checking back :)!!

Puff's 10 wk sonogram 

Chloe's 12 wk sonogram, you can tell her fluid was getting low here 

Puff's 13 wk sonogram, you can tell Puff's fluid is much different from Chloe's 12 wk sonogram

Another of Puff's 13 wk sonogram, the pointer is pointing at toesies